Writer’s block can be deadly and even end a potential
Source material could also be toxic if the stories sought
get fed improper information
What do the two have anything to do with one another?
Many writers set out and focus their material on one story.
The source information highway can stop you cold when you learn it wasn’t true.
Albeit driven to write about actual and current news or stories based on facts
heard recently or years ago – source and effects are married together. If you
learn your information is full of holes it can set you back on your heels. The
block enters and you become baffled. Who can you trust? Where are the real
You are not alone when a mental block stops you. The brain
swims through a current of useless information, and none makes sense. You can’t
put the pieces together. Your storyline becomes a square peg trying to fit into
a round hole.
At times, no story or outline you begin to write can find a
path. Each journey takes off in directions you didn’t give a thought or even
understand. You jumble up and stop writing. While you seek a different
approach, a new story, the words fail you.
To provide the mental block with accurate food for the
brain, you must search for new ideas. You get frustrated when none of them
stick. You look down at your idle fingers resting on the keyboard and wonder if
they will ever move again?
Source material is one answer that always works when given a
chance. What exactly is the source material? It’s not just facts, but the
thread you weave into a story that makes it readable. Where do you find the
sources? You don’t have to look far. In most cases, they are right in front of
you or just down the block. The corner store, local gas station or big box
retailer has all the material you’ll need to move from a blank space into the
world of storytelling.
An enormous part of the source is characters? Where on earth
do you find new characters? That too has an easy answer. You live, work and are
surrounded by characters. Most of us pay little attention to a co-worker or
clerk at a store. Next time you go out, forget shopping and become a watcher. I
love to go to the mall and watch. Roam through the shops and listen. Ask about
a product and seek help from a salesperson. Amazing what a little conversation
brings out.
Most of us have relatives, friends, neighbors and co-works
so learn to draw information each one has to offer. We forget we’re one of a
kind, as are the people we know or meet along the way. Each person you know is
a character. Everybody has a unique one-of-a-kind personality with unusual
traits, quirks, mannerisms, unique speech patterns, and background history.
Draw from here to create your next character. Learn to take the basics and then
add twists and habits. Bring in or take out the good and bad and then adopt a
second look. Not bad if you do this seriously.
So how does source material help get you out of writer block
Remember what got you there in the first place? You got
stuck. Either the plot bogged down and went nowhere or your story had huge
flaws. A story needs a life of its own, just like your characters. Did your
story have a life? By that I mean did it have a before story? Did it just start
or come from history of something terrible? Does it have an ending, not the one
you end your story with – the ongoing ending that give your readers hope for
more to come?
To help eliminate a blocked mind that many writers suffer,
it helps while designing the creation to expand and outline the whole story.
Start with a paragraph. It’s hard to do but very rewarding. Expand the paragraph
on one or two pages. Stop here. You have story content, but now you need a list
of characters. You have leads and sub leads, but what about the little
character roles? You need a character list. Make one, even if you don’t use
them all.
Now you have the idea of the story and a list of characters
to generously place in and around the plot. What about the locations? Make a
list. Where does the story begin? Where does it end? If your characters move
around, where do they go? Stop. Do you
know each location well? Have you been there? It’s easier to write about what
you know. If you haven’t been there, you need research and source material with
These are all essential writer tools. It sounds easy. It
isn’t as it sounds. What it does do is activate your mind. It takes you away
from the blockage. You go on a journey. Make the trip busy and fun and when you
get all the pieces together – start writing again. This time you have focus,
direction and desire.
When and if you write real stories, check your sources, and
then double-check them. When you think you’ve got it all covered, do another
check with an entirely new source. Don’t trust the news for any truth
whatsoever. Sadly, all our news media sources are owned by four or five companies,
and each has a goal or mission that may be selfish and not in your best
interest. They establish the truth to fit their objectives and needs, and when
you write a true story you may find huge holes in stories found from the news
media. I’m amazed at how many people rely on the news media for news, and I try
never to use truthful events the news media tells to stand on its own. Double
or triple check everything you hear or read. Research is fun, entertaining and
quite educational.
Here's what you have at the end of the day. You gathered
source material, outlined your story, know your characters, where the story
takes place, where it ends and what happens in the middle. If you get bogged
down, go to your lists. Focus on material you worked very hard to gather and
then turn back to the computer.
I was taught early on, listen, focus, and be aware of the
story at all times. Every great novel or film has one thread in common, a
sensational story. One of my best professors said it well – your work should be
the story, story, and more story. If you tell it well, have a great beginning,
a middle that can’t be put down, and an ending you drive your audience with
urgency your work will be read and be successful.
How we reach, our audience is a mystery. We do the best we
can, but this is a learning process. It’s ongoing and never ends. Each work is
different and finds its gathering. We can hope to find a few who tell a few and
soon your voice is read and heard by many. Even best-selling author’s struggle
to find an audience for new work they write.
I wish all writers luck with their passion. A working writer
deserves recognition. Promote your brothers and sisters of dare to share the
word. Read unknown writers work. Learn from it and help promote them. They will
return the favor.
I hope this helped – even if only one writer gets back on
track and stays there I’ve done a job well done. Good luck all.
William Byron Hillman © 2015
romantic/suspense/contemporary fiction novel.
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Book Links:
Rollie Kemp Novels
Ghosts and Phantoms Part I:
Ghosts and Phantoms Part
Bad Rap:
Hoax – Prematurely Terminated
In editor’s hands – Looting
Romance/Suspense – Contemporary Fiction
Within an Inch of the Moon:
Veronique and Murray:
In development Veronique and Murray's Honeymoon
Doug Hamilton Mysteries
Let's Sue ‘Em
(Over a Cup of Caramelized Chocolate – Completing Final
Dream Searcher
Motion Picture Stories
Zebra's Rock and Me
Family/Youth Adventure
Quigley's Christmas Adventure
(Available in audio book soon)
My next feature film to direct is:
Quigley's Christmas Adventure
(Sequel to the hit film Quigley)